These sessions are for young artists that are looking to perfect their craft! These 2 hour events offer an opportunity for these artists to create their own work, get advice from a professional artist, and get feedback from their peers. Participants will be encouraged to bring their sketchbooks and supplies from home. Different materials will be provided at each session for the artists to try something new if they choose.

This program will be offered in Tracy and Marshall this year! Scroll down to find your city and register!

Tracy, MN

Tracy Sketchbook is Free to attend. Tuesday evenings from 3:30 to 5:30, hosted at the Tracy Public Library!

Marshall, MN

Already signed up with Marshall Comm. Ed.? Click below to find Sketchbook Registration!

Marshall Comm. Ed. has a new registration system. If you do not have an account with their new system, click on the sign up button.